iFrame in SquareSpace

Squarespace allows embedding iframes using a code block, but it’s important to note that this feature is only available on their premium plans – Website Business and higher. Here’s how to implement an iframe in Squarespace:

  1. Navigate to the Squarespace editing dashboard and open the specific page where you want to embed the iframe.
  2. Locate the section where you want to place the iframe and click the “+” symbol to add a new block.
  3. From the available options, choose “Code”.
  4. You’ll see a code editing area within the block. Here, you’ll need to paste the iframe code. If you don’t have the code yet, you can typically acquire it from the source you’re embedding (website, video platform, etc.) by looking for their embed code instructions.
  5. The basic iframe code structure looks like this:

<iframe src=”URL_OF_THE_PAGE” width=”WIDTH” height=”HEIGHT“></iframe>

Make sure to replace the following:

  • URL_OF_THE_PAGE: Replace this with the actual URL of the webpage or content you want to embed within the iframe.
  • WIDTH: Specify the desired width of the iframe in pixels or using a percentage (e.g., “100%”).
  • HEIGHT: Define the height of the iframe in pixels. You might need to adjust this value based on the content being embedded.

Once you’ve entered the code with your adjustments, save the changes to the code block and publish your Squarespace page to make the iframe visible.

Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful: