Find Latitude & Longitude

  1. You can find the latitude & longitude of a specific location using Google Maps. Open Google Maps ( and find the specific location you are trying to add. Right click on the pin or the location. A menu comes up where you will select “What’s here?
  1. This will bring up the latitude & longitude at the bottom of the screen. Click on the small latitude & longitude numbers.
  1. This will bring up the latitude & longitude in the left column. You can copy and paste the small numbers into your backend dashboard (make sure to include the – in longitude).
  1. Alternatively, after you find your location, you can copy and paste the latitude & longitude from the Google Maps URL.
  1. Another option: if you have the address of the location you are adding, you can use:
  1. Enter the address and click “Find.” The latitude & longitude will come up. Then you can copy and paste the numbers into your backend dashboard (make sure to include the – in longitude).